Day 2 on the retreat started early with breakfast at 7:30am… my roomie and I decided to wake up at 7:30 and be down just in time to grab a quick bite before the first session at 9am. :) Excellent plan!
I think this was one of my favorite days because it was about “Traveling Your Cancer Journey.” We first heard everyone’s full story and then talked about the losses
we have experienced/are experiencing along the way. A couple things struck me… most all of the breast cancer survivors had found their own lump and were not diagnosed by a mammo (planting the question, why don’t we have a better detection tool?! while also emphasizing the importance of self exams), and a
very common thread is that cancer strengthens some relationships and dissolves others completely. I know I posted very early on about this very thing and I guess it was reassuring that others have experienced the
same thing.
The rest of the day focused on healing through gentle yoga, nature walk, massage, craft time, & energy healing (similar to Reiki) therapy. I had an interesting experience with the energy healer. After a very brief description of my “problem” she started doing her thing and went down to my feet to mix a bit of reflexology into the healing process. She pushed on my feet and the only place that was tender was the thyroid point so she said that I would be completely fine and that my cancer was completely contained to my thyroid! I guess I have to wait for the WBS to prove
that one! On our nature walk we saw the trees changing, flowers blooming, and a sailboat regatta on Lake Michigan. It was a very relaxing walk around the campus and the weather was absolutely beautiful for fall in Michigan!
After the walk I went to get my massage (which of course was lovely) and then went out to build by bird house. Here is a pic of my birdhouse – its the red one. Shocker I know, its not the pink
one! After I finished my birdhouse it was time for my energy healing session and then on to dinner! After dinner we worked on making quilts that will be displayed at local cancer centers and then we had a bonfire and ‘smores. What is camp without a bonfire right?! Christy and I were out by the fire with a few other people until after midnight and then we decided it was time to turn in… only a half day left and I don’t think anyone wanted the weekend to end!
It's so nice out there by the lake. It sounds like Day 2 was full of great activities. I'm glad you got to have a good weekend!!